I went to a great presentation by Neal Ford last week at the DJUG, entitled the Productive Programmer. Neal is a sharp guy, a good speaker, and a solid thinker on improving productivity. Go ahead and CRTL-Enter nealford in your address bar to check out his site (you'll see what I mean).
The talk was a bit of a wake-up for me. His premise is that the rise of the IDE has made programmers, well, lazy (my words, I don't think he went so far). I realized that I have let some old but valuable skills languish in the past few years. So Neal's talk has inspired me to sharpen the saw back up. For example, I have made the decision that Ruby will be my scripting power tool moving forward (used to be Perl), and I will not shy away from opportunities to explore automation (even if it is initially just exercise).
Another point that resonated with me was the idea of the "perfect" editor. I do think that I am now as productive over all in Eclipse as I used to be in Emacs (with a side trip through NetBeans). But Neal hit on two things that are missing: Multiple cut/paste buffers (kill-loop in Emacs) and editor scripting. Though I am intrigued by the lightweight JEdit, I am determined to stay in Eclipse and make the best of it. I think that surely these two deficiencies can be addressed.
On the multiple buffers front, I quickly came up with an answer that works for me: CLCL. This tool is actually a utility that caches your Windows clipboard. So CRTL-C still works like normal, but you can also reach back in time and paste something from 30 cuts ago. Sounds trivial, but it can change the way you edit.
As for the scripting integration, I haven't looked very far. Prashant Rane's blog led me to Eclipse Monkey, which looks interesting--it's Javascript, which I can defnitely code. I might keep looking, though, for something that provides editor hooks for Ruby, Groovy, or BeanShell. I'll post again if I find the silver bullet.